Bruce Hembd posted an amazing video of Helene Tomböck playing the Long Call in the 9th month of her pregnancy:
The subject of Playing/Singing During/After Pregnancy is one that has gone around before, but it bears repeating. Back in the days before YouTube, I kept right on playing through my pregnancy, to the delight of my OB/GYN, who thought it could do nothing but improve my breathing and tone muscles for the event to come. The only difficulty I really experienced was finding "prego" concert black options and where to rest my bell! I played principal on Overture to Die Meistersinger with the university orchestra eight hours before going into labor, 6th or 7th horn (can't remember) in Mahler 2 with Youngstown Symphony four weeks after delivering, and my master's recital a month after that.
Mommies of the horn world, what was your experience?
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