Saturday, June 18, 2011

San Francisco, and IHS 43, Here We Come!

Another year of playing and teaching means time for another International Horn Symposium, hosted this year by Wendell Rider at San Francisco State University.

You can download the .pdf of the program HERE

After an uneventful plane trip (except for discovering that my Conn V8DS does NOT fit under the seat of an American Airlines' Embraer, when it DOES fit on a Continental one), I arrived at SFO, picked up the rental car, and jumped into rush hour traffic to meet a Gap friend downtown. After some pics and an adventure ro remember where I parked (!), I headed back to pick up Jon at SFO.

Next morning we headed to lunch at a local spot, Lakeside Cafe, where the patty melts are delicious and breakfast is served late:-)

We drove over to SFSU Campus to check out the venue, and happened to walk up as our host pulled up to unload supplies for registration. And to supervise the set-up of nearly 100 tables for our vendors!

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